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  • Medizinische Fakul­tät OWL

    Medizinisches Modell eines Torso, neben dem eine Person in OP-Kleidung steht. Die Person hält das aus dem Modell entnommene Herz in der Hand.


Aus­ge­wähl­te Ver­öf­fent­li­chun­gen

Gött-​Zink L, Baum E, Kott­ke T (2023)
Time-​resolved in­fra­red dif­fe­rence spec­tro­scopy in cells: Re­spon­se of the basic re­gi­on leu­cine zip­per of au­reo­ch­ro­me
Fron­tiers in Phy­sics 11: 1150671.

Kars­ten L, Gött-​Zink L, Schmitz J, Hoff­rog­ge R, Grün­ber­ger A, Kott­ke T, Mül­ler K (2022)
Ge­ne­ti­cal­ly En­coded Ra­tio­metric pH Sen­sors for the Me­a­su­re­ment of Intra-​ and Ex­tracel­lu­lar pH and In­ter­na­liza­ti­on Rates
Bio­sen­sors 12(5):271.

Gött-​Zink L, Klo­cke J, Kott­ke T (2021)
Re­sol­ving Struc­tu­ral Chan­ges of Pho­to­re­cep­tors in Li­ving Esche­ri­chia coli via In-​cell In­fra­red Dif­fe­rence Spec­tro­scopy
Bio-​protocol 11(3):e3909.

Gött-​Zink L, Klo­cke J, Bö­ge­holz LAK, Kott­ke T (2020)
In-​cell in­fra­red dif­fe­rence spec­tro­scopy of LOV pho­to­re­cep­tors re­ve­als struc­tu­ral re­spon­ses to light al­te­red in li­ving cells
J. Biol. Chem. 295(33): 11729-​11741.

Klo­cke J, Kott­ke T (2020)
A quan­tum cas­ca­de laser setup for stu­dy­ing ir­rever­si­ble pho­to­re­ac­tions in H2O with na­no­se­cond re­so­lu­ti­on and mi­cro­lit­re con­sump­ti­on
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22(45): 26459-​26467.

Ban­nis­ter S, Böhm E, Zinn T, Hell­weg T, Kott­ke T (2019)
Ar­gu­ments for an ad­di­tio­nal long-​lived in­ter­me­di­a­te in the pho­to­cy­cle of the full-​length au­reo­ch­ro­me 1c re­cep­tor: A time-​resolved small-​angle X-ray scat­te­ring study
Struct. Dyn. 6(3): 34701.

Gil­zer D, Hill­mann R, Gött-​Zink L, Klo­cke J, Vief­hu­es M, An­sel­met­ti D, Kott­ke T (2019)
Bi­pha­sic For­ma­ti­on of 2D Na­no­mem­bra­nes by Pho­to­po­ly­me­riza­ti­on of Dia­ce­tylene Li­pids as Re­ve­a­led by In­fra­red Dif­fe­rence Spec­tro­scopy
Lang­muir 35(29): 9343-​9351.

Klo­cke J, Man­gold M, All­men­din­ger P, Hugi A, Gei­ser M, Jouy P, Faist J, Kott­ke T (2018)
Single-​Shot Sub-​microsecond Mid-​infrared Spec­tro­scopy on Pro­te­in Re­ac­tions with Quan­tum Cas­ca­de Laser Fre­quen­cy Combs
Anal. Chem. 90(17): 10494-​10500.

Kott­ke T, Xie A, Lar­sen DS, Hoff WD (2018)
Pho­to­re­cep­tors Take Char­ge. Emer­ging Princi­ples for Light Sen­sing
Annu. Rev. Bio­phys. 47(1): 291-​313.

Schrö­der L, Frese M, Mül­ler C, Se­wald N, Kott­ke T (2018)
Pho­to­che­mi­cal­ly Dri­ven Bio­ca­ta­ly­sis of Ha­lo­ge­na­ses for the Green Pro­duc­tion of Chlo­ri­na­ted Com­po­unds
Chem­Cat­Chem 10(15): 3336-​3341.

Ba­ner­jee A, Her­man E, Serif M, Maestre-​Reyna M, Hepp S, Po­kor­ny R, Kroth PG, Essen L-O, Kott­ke T (2016)
Al­los­te­ric com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween DNA-​binding and light-​responsive do­mains of di­atom class I au­reo­ch­ro­mes
Nu­cleic Acids Res. 44(12): 5957-​5970.

Petrout­sos D, To­kutsu R, Ma­ru­ya­ma S, Flori S, Grei­ner A, Ma­gne­schi L, Cu­sant L, Kott­ke T, Mit­tag M, He­ge­mann P, Fi­naz­zi G, Mi­na­ga­wa J. (2016)
A blue-​light pho­to­re­cep­tor me­dia­tes the feed­back re­gu­la­ti­on of pho­to­syn­the­sis
Na­tu­re 537(7621): 563-​566.

Thöing C, Ol­de­mey­er S, Kott­ke T (2015)
Mi­cro­se­cond De­pro­to­na­ti­on of As­par­tic Acid and Re­spon­se of the α/β Sub­do­main Pre­ce­de C-​Terminal Si­gna­ling in the Blue Light Sen­sor Plant Cryp­to­ch­ro­me
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137(18): 5990-​5999.

Pfei­fer A, Ma­thes T, Lu Y, He­ge­mann P, Kott­ke T (2010)
Blue Light In­du­ces Glo­bal and Lo­ca­li­zed Con­for­ma­tio­nal Chan­ges in the Ki­na­se Do­main of Full-​Length Pho­to­tro­pin
Bio­che­mi­s­try 49(5): 1024-​1032.

Berndt A, Kott­ke T, Breit­kreuz H, Dvor­sky R, Hen­nig S, Alex­an­der M, Wolf E (2007)
A novel pho­to­re­ac­tion me­cha­nism for the cir­ca­di­an blue light pho­to­re­cep­tor Dro­so­phi­la cryp­to­ch­ro­me
J. Biol. Chem. 282(17): 13011-​13021.

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